
R. Kelly: 12 Nights of Christmas

“I just wanna unwrap you, baby.”

Everyone’s favourite star of multiple underage sex scandals – who also delivered sexy, sexy RnB jams like ‘Bump N’ Grind’ and ‘Your Body’s Callin’’ – has now released a family Christmas album, just in time for the holidays. And your annual ‘no means no’ chat with your teenage kid.

Look, it’s actually pretty good. It’s sitting somewhere between Mariah’s iconic Merry Christmas album, and David Hasselhoff’s vocal carcrash, The Night Before Christmas.

I know that’s a large range, but it’s hard to rate an album containing some genuinely great RnB Chrissie jams in between songs where he warbles lines like “Come on and open your gift, Mrs Santa. I just wanna unwrap you, baby.”

So yeah…

This article was originally published in Fashion Journal 163. You can read it here.

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